Operations Audit from Kellye Franklin
Message from The CEO BFF,
Kellye Franklin
Prepare for 7-figures | Stop Wasting Time and Money | Know Where to Focus Right Now

"Help! My mid-six figure business has five figure operations and I don't know what to do about it."

 Is this what you're saying? You're not alone.

That statement is what I've heard time after time from the small business owner whose business is growing but she is still overwhelmed by everything it takes to run the business.

Can you relate?

You smashed getting to $400k revenue, but it has taken all your energy to get here.

You were sure at this point in your business journey things would be easier, but it seems to be getting more overwhelming.

And real talk, you’re a little apprehensive about scaling to your next level because you’re worried that your overwhelm and to do list will scale with it.

With all that you're juggling it could be difficult to pinpoint where to put your focus and how to make things flow more smoothly. Planning, strategizing, launching your programs, managing the finances, leading your team, getting processes and systems in place - it's a lot!

Especially if this isn’t your area of expertise.

What you do know is this...
You can't serve more clients (grow your revenue) with the current state of your operations and systems (losing money).

And you for sure know you can’t free up your calendar continuing to operate with your ever growing responsibilities.

Ok Kellye, where do I start?

You start by digging into your operations to identify...
  • What gaps exist in your processes
  • How you can introduce better planning practices
  • Where technology can be used more efficiently
  • Ways your systems are working for, or against, you
  • Where you are leaking money

I know, you already don’t have the capacity or desire to do that type of analysis. Plus, it can be a lot to add to your already overflowing plate.

So let me do the analysis FOR YOU!

With an Operations Audit, I’ll use my 25 years experience in business operations, program and project management, and in-depth knowledge of the entrepreneurial journey to quickly evaluate your company's processes, procedures, planning practices, technology, and more...to identify financial and productivity gaps and opportunities within your business. 
"Where would I do your testimonial cause I sure didn’t see that $700-1400 savings! Thank you!"
 Coach and CEO Success Partner, Precious Brown after receiving a tool only focused audit report 
"Where would I do your testimonial cause I sure didn’t see that $700-1400 savings! Thank you!"
   Coach and CEO Success Partner, Precious Brown after receiving a tool only focused audit report   
Getting you out of unknowing
During my 9-Point Operations Audit, I will thoroughly analyze how you’re operating today to inform you with key recommendations for building the operations and systems required to reach your 7-figure goals – with less overwhelm.
Leadership Perspectives
You know your business best. In this first step, I’ll gain understanding of key challenges and priorities from your viewpoint. This reveals a lot about your thought processes and mindset around the issues and challenges.

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I will use my exclusive operations audit tool to conduct a comprehensive analysis of 9 key areas of your operations. I’ll determine the maturity and effectiveness of your current practices and provide relevant recommendations. 
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You will get a detailed Operational Excellence Audit Report with observations and recommendations. You'll know exactly where to focus  right now and what future improvements will help you scale with less of you
It’s hard to change something when you don’t know what to change or that you needed to make a change.

Not knowing what to change in your business, leaves you not meeting your growth goals because you're…
  • Wasting money on solutions and staff that don't resolve your challenges
  • Spinning your wheels trying to pinpoint what’s going wrong and where to start
  • Throwing darts at targets but continually missing the mark

And that’s just going to increase the overwhelm you’re already feeling.

Yes, you could figure it out on your own. We know that.

You’re smart. You’re resilient.

But you are also a busy business owner who needs to be more focused on revenue and relaxation!
Meet Your Operations Expert
Kellye Franklin

The go-to Operations and Systems Expert for female small business owners, Kellye Franklin helps overwhelmed entrepreneurs get their operational houses in order—fast.

Extraordinary at what she does, Kellye’s success portfolio is unmatched. The executive secret weapon of Fortune 50 companies for more than two decades, Kellye is known for blowing strategic objectives out of the water.

The perfect strategic partner for visionary founders and CEOs who are handcuffed to their laptops and phones, Kellye ushers her clients into their next level of growth with the systems and technology they need to scale to their next revenue goal.

With her by their side, companies quickly optimize their operations, increase their profitability, and love their companies again.

Q&A Time! Answers to questions you may have 
What exactly is an Operations Audit?
An Operations Audit is an in-depth analysis of your operations and systems to assess what is currently in place as it relates to what is recommended for your business size, revenue, and expansion goals. It’s used to determine the maturity of your operations and where additional focus is recommended to help the business run more smoothly as you scale
Why do I need an Operations Audit?
The better question is...why not? They say knowing is half the battle and if you don’t already know what’s wrong and what’s right with your operations, that battle is going to be uphill (a steep hill). The audit informs you for better decision making in where your time, money, and other resources are best spent. Having your operations assessed is a great way to accelerate your business growth and your growth as a CEO. I recommend auditing your operations every 2-3 years and/or when your revenue goals change significantly.
What can I expect during the audit?
Glad you asked! I’ll spend a day with you evaluating your business practices from an operational perspective. I use a tool I personally developed to assess the maturity of nine different areas of operations. An example would be looking into how you’re operating as it aligns to your strategy and vision.
What happens after the audit?
After the audit, I’ll spend time compiling information from the assessment. Once complete, you will receive a detailed Operational Excellence Recommendations Report. Use the report to start implementing changes right away, incorporate them into your strategic plan or turn the report over to your operations leader to execute.
How much is my investment for the audit?
For a few hours of your time and a crazy amount of insight into your operations, your investment today is only $995. Only $995 to save thousands (and maybe hundreds of thousands) of dollars in time and money as you evolve and grow your business.
Well-functioning, well planned operations is how you scale your business without scaling your overwhelm and exhaustion.

With these audit results in your hand you'll experience…

No more guessing. You'll know exactly where to focus.

No more stressing. Inform yourself for better decision making.

No more wasting. Know where to invest (and where not to)!

You'll have only the data and information you need to move forward with creating operations that align to your next-level business and personal goals.